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Video sul Rotary

Il MITICO VILLA parla di Leadership

Il Magnifico Rettore di UNIMORE in visita al nostro Club

This Is Rotary - Rotary International

What would it take to change the world? (Che cosa è necessario per cambiare il mondo?) Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members...

Water Harvesting

Because the foothills of India's west coast are too rocky to retain rainwater year round, villagers must often walk for miles to fetch water for their families.

24th annual Rotary International Convention

In 1933 Paul harris gave a speech at the 24th annual Rotary International Convention.
It was aired around the world.

The Last Hurdle

American Rotarians join their Indian colleagues for a Sub-National Immunization Day, and get a close-up look at the battle to eradicate polio in India.

Soul of Africa

Soul of Africa
n the face of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Rotarians in South Africa are bringing education, nutrition and health care to AIDS orphans, with help from non-profit partner

Polio Plus

Polio Plus
Distretto ROTARY 4420

Eradicating Polio

Follow the polio vacine from factory to immunization booth. Find out what it takes to get a drop in every child's mouth.

Bill Gates speaks to Rotarians - Rotary International

Bill Gates parla di Rotariani - Rotary International
Guarda come il fondatore di Microsoft Bill Gates annuncia il Mercoledì, 21 gennaio, presso l'Assemblea internazionale di un aumento della Bill & Melinda Gates ...

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Distretto 2072

Distretto 2072 - ROTARY CLUB di CENTO

area soci

area soci - ROTARY CLUB di CENTO

Rotaract Cento

Rotaract Cento - ROTARY CLUB di CENTO

Area Riservata

Area Riservata - ROTARY CLUB di CENTO